domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011


Touch options are another type of binary option available on OptionBit. Touch options expire in-the-money if the price of the underlying asset touches a predetermined barrier by the time of expiration. Price barriers can be higher or lower than the current price of the underlying when the option is purchased, enabling traders to take advantage of the traditional omni-directionality offered by binary options.
OptionBit also offers variations on Touch, including “Touch Up” and “Touch Down”.
Trading Example:You decide to try touch trading. After looking at the assets available, you decided that you would like to trade a touch option on Microsoft.
In the trading room, you select Microsoft as the asset you would like to trade and see that the option is expiring in 30 minutes. Depending on the current price of the asset, two options are available with predetermined strike prices, “Touch Up” and “Touch Down”. You believe that the price of the underlying asset will touch the high strike price until the expiry date, so you select “Touch Up”. On the other hand, if you believed that the price of the underlying asset will touch the low strike price, you would select “Touch Down”.
If when the contract expires the price of Microsoft has touched the option you selected, you’ll finish in-the-money and take home a high return between 75 – 81% of your initial investment.

1 comentario:

  1. I am very pleased with the thought and don’t feel like adding anything in it. It a perfect answer.
